Saturday, November 1, 2008

Curse you Halloween candy hander-outers who gave out those Mini Snickers!

Well, things have just been a chuggin' along here. And as I sit here
typing, I'm chowing down on those cursed Mini Snickers. I love them. They were one of the only things that got me through morning/afternoon/evening sickness when I was preggers with James and Jonah. And now I have a soft spot for them...actually, I have several soft spots because of them. Curse you Mini Snickers!
Last night was Halloween. We juggled with the idea of taking the kiddos to a Fall Festivals at one of the local churches. But when the time actually came to go, we decided to just trick or treat around the neighborhood like we've done for the last three years.
And we weren't disappointed.
As many of you know, Kenneth is one of those people who just likes to meet and talk to people. So we know just about every one who's house we trick or treated at. Makes for a nice safe trip anyway. So we made the rounds...two blocks up, one block across, two blocks down and up our street to head home. We started out right at sundown and there was hardly anyone out. But as soon as it got really dark, prople just started coming out of no-where. It was nice to see. There were groups of 10-20 people sometimes. All together we hit about fifteen houses and got enough candy to last a year. As for costumes...I know you were waiting...Noah went as a ghost. Not some fancy store bought ghost he actually asked me (about a month ago) if I could make him a ghost costume out of a sheet. And since we just happened to have an old white sheet sitting around...snip snip snip...ghost costume. He looked so cute. And, he was the only ghost out there last night. I couldn't believe it! Nile went as a pirate. We didn't know he was going to be a pirate till a few days earlier. He had changed his mind several times...pirate...diver...policeman...pirate...something else...pirate. So, he finally decided on pirate. He was so cute. Even with the little fake scar on his face. James and Jonah went as skeletons. Nile's Physical Therapist has twin boys and she let us use her costumes from last year. They are just black sweat suits with white bones one them. So cute! And it was perfect for the cool weather we've been having. J/J didn't actually trick or treat, they pretty much just chewed on the flashlight and people watched while N/N did the trick or treating. We had a good time. And got to visit our neighbors.
The boys are doing quite well in school these days. They actually look forward to going...most of the time. A few weeks ago they had Show-N-Tell. Noah wanted to take his Beanie Baby snake and Nile wanted to take a real snake. I couldn't find one. I think it's getting too cool out for them now. But I did find two little baby frogs. I think they were tree frogs because of the shape of their feet. So, I got and old plastic container, drilled some holes in the lid, added dirt and sticks and stuff and wha-la!...frog habitat. We found two Beanie Baby frogs and a little book on frogs and headed off to school. Nile and Noah were so excited. When we got to school, all the kiddos wanted to know what was in the container. The teacher said they were a big hit. And I have since learned that every Thursday is Show-n-Tell day. So last week, again, we needed something to take. Luckily, I founda little baby gecko. So cute. Add one little mini habitat, a lizard beanie baby (yes I collected beanie babies), a print out on geckos and it's show-n-tell time. This poor little gecko didn't make it through the day though. Poor thing. Oh, it made it through school, all the way home and was miliseconds away from being released. I took the top off of the container, and after explaining to Nile that the little gecko had to be let go so he could catch some bugs for supper and we could catch him again tomorrow (wink wink), I told him to dump the container over and let him go. About ten minutes later I went back outside to check on the release and there is Nile holding the little thing between his fingers. Nile has big hands and is really strong (upperbody) for his age. The poor little thing was squashed to death. But, I didn't tell Nile that and just took him from Nile and "let him go" under the house. Poor thing. Nile has a huge heart and would have been devastated. Anyway, every day now they ask me if it's SNT day. I have no idea what we'll do this week.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another day in the life of...

Well, I don't know how long I have to get a blog in, but I'm going to give it a shot. J/J are napping and N/N are outside playing, getting filthy dirty. Ken is heading to Louisiana right now so I've confiscated his laptop. I'm not good at typing on this thing, so in the interest of ...well...interest...I'm gonna leave the typos in
What has been going on since the last blog entry?
Right after J/J's birthday, I got sick. Itlasted abouta week. Felt like the flu...but not...kinda. Ilost my voice, which was really bad cause I doalot of yelling from the windows when N/N are outside playing and I can't get outside cause of J/J inside. To talk to the boys, I had to actually whisper. It was really annoying. Anyway, when I was on the upcurve, Ken got sick. Luckily, none of the punks got it. I was really sweatin' that one.
N/N are doing well in school. they complain about having to go (in the morning) but absolutely love it and have so much to talk about when they are picked up. last Thursday was "Show N Tell" day. BRB Jonah is now up and trying to play with the keys. So I will write more later...I hope...

Saturday, September 27, 2008


They're one year old today. Whoo hoo! We don't have a big tadoo planned or anything. But we do have some family coming in from the Houston area. Ken's mom, sister and two nieces are coming. Ken got an ice cream cake, for the kids, and is (right now) getting a carrot cake for the adults. We'll probably order some pizza for lunch. Normally I would make the pizza myself, but I'm exhausted from lack of sleep last night and feel like going the easy way out. So we'll have a small little celebration with a few family members.
Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon.

Milestones: walking about 10 steps at a time. putting things in and out of containers. James loves passing things to other people...especially if you say "thank you". Jonah says -"dis" and "dat" which is obviously "this" and "that". pointing with one finger. learning to drink from a regular cup. "talking" on the phone to friends and family. That's all I can think of right now.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where do I begin...?

Well, we'll start off with an "itchy" subject...

I dropped N/N off at school this morning to find that two of the boys (brothers) in their class have lice. Or, as the boys put it..."We have bugs in our hair." I have to scratch my head just thinking about it. Yuck! So, they were lining up all the kiddos, to be checked by the school nurse, on their way out to the playground. As the kids played, they were going to disinfect the classrooms. The two afore mentioned boys, were being sent home and were patiently waiting for their mother/father. This is my first experience with lice. I didn't know if I should bring the boys back home or what. The teacher said it wasn't neccessary. What a way to start the day.

After dropping the boys off, the little one's and I headed to Landa park for a morning walk. It was a nice morning and J/J were in a pretty good mood so we did two laps around the park. They boys did really well and loved seeing all the ducks, geese, squirrels and birds. Speaking of squirrels...the one's at Landa park are really bravel little suckers. They came running up to the stroller! And not just one at a time, sometimes there were four or five or six at a time. It was like an "attack of the squirrels" movie or something. The only thing I could figure was in their brain...stroller = kiddos = snacks that get dropped on the ground. Hence, stoller = food! As I walked, I wondered if I should bring some Cheerios or something next time. But then I thought, should I encourage this behavior? I mean, one of these squirrels got within about three inches of the stroller and I thought it was going to literally jump up in the thing with J/J. Now, I like squirrels. They're cute and fuzzy and all that. But in Texas you really have to worry about rabies and what not. So no squirrels allowed = no Cheerios allowed. Did I overthink this thing?

So we finished our walk and I was starving, so I totally blew my "workout" by going through the Whataburger drive through. LOL Yes! it was worth it. Whataburger rocks!

Well, a couple of weeks ago a little Hurricane named Ike rolled through the Texas coast. So, my sister, her husband and his mom came to stay with us for a while. We stayed up watching the news most of the night and for the next few days. They ended up staying for about a week. Then headed back to find that her mother in laws house had water and power but their house only had water. So they had been staying at her house up until yesterday when her power went out again. So they are now back home with a window unit and a couple of generators. I need to call them today to check on them. Fortunatelly, both of their houses faired well and they only lost a few trees/branches/fences and fish. Ken's mom and sister also live in the Houston area. His mom has been without electricity for going on two weeks now. His sister lost power for about a day, but then it came back on and his mom has been staying with her. Luckily, their houses faired well also. Except for the power thing. {update} I talked to my sister today and they have power again at her mother-in-laws house. So...whew. I think that my mother-in-law is still without power though.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

I just had to blog a little post with today's date on it.
I don't have much to write or say except that the World will never forget what happened this day seven years ago.
The victims and their families are always in our thoughts and prayers.
G*d bless America!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 a sea creature with a neon green snorkle...

<---Jonah enjoying a brewsky on the beach. (he found Grams' empty beer can) ...What do you do when the oldest two punks are at school and the youngest two punks are taking a nap; you're exhausted and not feeling well and you could not fold any more laundry if your life depended on it? You Blog! Like I said, the oldest two punks are in school. For the next hour anyway. So far they seem to enjoy going to pre-K. I love it when I pick them up, ask them how school was and did they learn anything new today, and they start telling me about their day. Usually at the same time, then we have to calm down and take turns. They usually have a new song that they are learning and they'll both start singing it. It's so cute! Nile is usually raring to go in the morning, but Noah tends to have a meltdown until he is actually in the classroom and realizes that he's not going back home. We pretty much have our new morning schedule down. It helps when you have most of their lunch/homework/school bag ready to go the night before. This past weekend we went to Corpus to spend some time at the Coast. It was really fun! And I wasn't as stressed out as I thought I would be. You know how it is when you travel with kiddos and they're out of their element. But James and Jonah did suprisingly well. They slept good and we, somehow, managed to pretty much keep them on their regular schedule. We stayed at the hotel that Ken has been staying at all summer and it was nice. We had a two room suite with a kitchen and fireplace (but we couldn't get it to work). Ken took Nile and Noah down to the pool, which they absolutely loved and wanted to spend every minute in. So, pretty much every free minute was spent at the pool. On Saturday afternoon, we headed down to the beach. Of course we took HoWhee and it was great! We drove down on surf side, found a nice little spot and parked it. Nile and Noah had a blast but were a little disappointed they couldn't find any portuguese man-o-wars. We did get to see a Coast Guard (dolphin) helicopter and jet fly right over us, and there were plenty of periwinkles and crabs and other little stuff to play with. Unfortunately, Noah lost his snorkle. We had just bought them a new mask and snorkle set the day before and he left it sitting on shore and the tide came a rollin' in and just sucked it out to sea. So somewhere out there, there is a sea creature with a neon green snorkle. LOL That was the only explanation that would calm him down. As for James and Jonah, they were content to just sit there and eat sand and seaweed. Does that count as their fiber for the day? We did get them in the water (which was surprisingly warm) for a while. Once the initial shock wore off, they seemed to like it. They kept trying to crawl into the surf. After about an hour and a half, everyone started getting hungry and cranky so we cleaned up and headed back to the hotel. I tell you was so nice to have a shower in the van. We were able to get all of that sticky salt water off and rode home relatively comfortable. We had packed some snacks, so we started a movie and snacked our way home. And while the punks bathed, Ken made buffalo burgers on the outside grill. By the time everyone was clean, it was supper time. All in all, it was a great day. The kids had a blast... I kept my promise to Noah about getting him to the beach this year... And we're planning another trip in the next couple of weeks. Of course it all depends on huricane season too. Man it's been active this year! Gotta go...the little one's are waking up. We have pictures, but I used my SLR instead of the digital. So I have to get them on CD and download them for ya. Anyway, the weekend was great.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The second day of school...

I'm posting this even though I didn't get a chance to finish what I was going to write. Can you guess why? LOL Anyway, I'm hoping to get back to it sometime soon, but I've caught a bit of a cold and don't feel like doing much of anything that's not absolutely neccessary. So here's my partial post...
I was going to try to post yesterday. As it was the first day of school for Nile and Noah. But, I never got around to it. I ended up doing some of the housework that gets put off (with four active boys in the house) and just never sat at the computer long enough to write. So, today is the second day of school for Nile and Noah, James and Jonah are napping, and here's how it's been going...
We kinda prepped them last week that school would be starting. And it was really nice when their teacher came by to say "Hi!" and refamiliarize them with her. <--- does that sentence make sense. Anyway, she came by and brought some "homework" for them to color and hang on the wall when school started. So, yesterday, I got up early...actually, James and Jonah got me up early...around 4am. So, I just headed to the kitchen and started making the boys lunches for school. And when I got Nile and Noah up at 7am I thought for sure it would be plenty of time. NOT!!! So I altered their schedule this morning and got them up at 6:45am and things were better. Next week, it will probably have to be 6:30 cause we were still 5 min. late this morning. I hate being late. Anyway, after waking them up yesterday, they were kinda whiney and kept insisting they didn't want to go to school. We kept reminding them that their friend Savannah was going to be there and she would be excited to see them. And they have a brand new classroom and teacher this year. So after a little convincing, they had breakfast and we put their uniforms on and we headed out the door. (There's actually alot more little stuff that goes on with the morning routine, but I don't have time for all that right now. Sorry. I know how important those little details are to you all. :op ) So, we got to school and Nile was ready to go right away. I had to convince Noah to go though. I finally got him out of the truck by telling him it was against the law to leave a 4yr old in the vehicle by themself and I could get a ticket...or worse! Well, we wheeled up the new ramp headed toward the new classroom and Noah stopped half way up. So, Nile and I continued and when Savannah saw Nile she screamed "Nile!" then said, "Nile, where's Noah?" So I headed back towards Noah and told him Savannah was waiting for him. He smiled and headed up the ramp when he heard her yell out the door, "Nooooooaaaaahhhhh! Where are you?" LOL How cute is that?! Noah started running up the ramp and right into the room. So I stuck around a while as they got settled and proceeded to tell the teacher (when she asked about rules at home) that one of mommy's rules was to not put things on the baby's heads. LOL I knew they'd be alright. The day was going pretty good and I got alot of things done around the house. So I had planned on heading over to Kohl's to see if I could find some more uniform shirts for the boys. We ordered some online that had the school logo on them from a uniform company that was advised in the new school handouts. Well, we only received two of them, the other were on backorder. So when I dropped the boys off at school and saw that they were the only one's in the full uniform with (logo) shirts, I decided to cancel the rest of the order and just go get some plain ole blue polos for them to wear. That's what the other kids were wearing so... I was going to head to Kohl's and look for some plain blue polos.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well, it's 0526 hrs...

...and the little one's and the big one's are still A-S-L-E-E-P. Well, the little one's had a bottle at 0500 and then went back to sleep. Yes, sadly, we refer to our children as the "little one's" and the "big one's". But, whatdayado?
So I thought since I was up, I'd try to blog a little.
Things here on the homefront have been realatively...the norm. Well...the norm for us. A couple of weeks ago, when Dolly hit, we had some family come and stay with us. My sister Daisy and her family were without power and water and running out of food with no fridge. So they headed up this way. My dad and stepmom decided to stick it out, but did send my little sister Lilly with my sister there a flower theme going here. Lilly...Daisy... Anyway, my little sister Karen is in Spain for the summer, so she wasn't home. But Daisy, Lilly and the crew came to stay a while. It was actually pretty fun. Daisy has three boys that are about the same age as ours. Her youngest just turned a year old. So all of our boys had such a blast playing together. I'll have to post some of the pics she took while here. And I have to admit, it was nice to have some extra hands around. Just to be able to run to the store for a little something, and not have to haul all of the kids, was nice. Although, one day we decided to take all seven kids to Walmart. That was an experience. Whew! Then on a couple of days, my cousin Claudia and her family showed up to visit. They are from the Valley also and were staying with their Aunt in Austin. They have three boys also and she is pregnant with their fourth....a GIRL! They were without water or power also and stuck it out for a few days. But with being pregnant and with three just can't do that for very long. So on a couple of days, we had TEN boys, all under the age of eight, running around the house. It was ... loud! And fun! The kids had a blast and we got to talk for a while. So it was a busy week at the Copeland Compound.
What else...
Noah and Nile will be starting school (K4) in a few weeks. They have to wear uniforms this year and I haven't been able to find anything I need for them. Sigh. I'm kinda excited about them going again this year. They really seemed to enjoy it last year. Plus, it gives me a little break during the day to try to get things done without two extra little one's around.
Ken was notified a few weeks ago that all of the CG Reserves in Corpus Christi are going to be Demobilized. Which means...he's coming home! And going back to his "free-world" job at the PD. It's going to be weird. He's been activated for seven years now. We won't know what to do with him home full time. Gonna take some getting used to again. You know, you kinda get into a "routine" and get used to things being a certain way. But, we adjusted with kids/two sets of twins. Now that was an adjustment! So, October 1st will be his last day on active duty.
I'm getting hungry. This morning will be Banana chocolate chip pancakes. It's pretty much become my Saturday morning routine. Most other days we're running here or there. But Saturday is the Sabbath, Shabbat Shalom, and no where to go so it's pancakes for breakfast. Whoo-hoo!
I can't think of anything else to update on. Family is all doing well and we're just chugging along.


Sunday, July 13, 2008


...Since I haven't written in a few months, I thought I would just do a little synopsis of what has been going on ...

April -

1st: School

3rd: School

4th: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy (PT/OT)


8th: School-left early for Dental appt. for Nile and Noah...teeth fine. Noah has soft spot on one of his back molars, have to keep an eye on it. Made appointment to have the boys back teeth sealed.

10th: School for Noah/Spina Bifida Clinic for Nile


11th,12th,13th,14th,15th: "All Hands" in Corpus for Ken.

15th: School

16th: PreOp for Nile's MRI

17th: MRI for Nile/School for Noah but he didn't want to go because he was upset about Nile's "Dr. appt."

21st: checkup appointment for all of the kiddos.

22: Dental appointment for Nile and Noah - Noah had two teeth sealed before the gas started to wear off. Dr. advised they could not work on Nile due to his "health issues" without a clearance from his pediatrician. Made another appointment for Noah's other teeth.

23rd:PreOp for Nile's surgery. This was a six hour appointment, not including the drive time. One way is 45minutes on a good traffic day. I was very impressed with Nile this day. He did extremely well considering all of the time we spent just waiting to see the doctors.


25th: PT/OT

26th: Lela comes down to watch the kiddos during Nile's surgery.

28th: Surgery on Niles feet. All goes well, but he has to stay overnite for observation due to his sleep apnea.* His feet are casted with split casts that will come off in a week and regular casts put on. He does very well that night. I packed some new blocks that I got him just for the hospital, and his Gramms got him some new Army men as well. So we spend much of the evening playing on the floor ( I put a blanket down) playing and building. The next morning we went down to the cafeteria to get breakfast. Nile got to chose anything he wanted. Even if it wasn't Organic. LOL
*I put an asterix here because I do not believe Nile has Sleep Apnea. He has been tested at a Sleep Apnea lab and they diagnosed him with a mild form but they did not actually observe him sleeping. They hooked up a bunch of monitors to him and kept track of his oxygen/heart rate/etc... My opinion on the subject is his tonsils are getting in the way of his breathing. He doesn't stop breathing, there's just nothing gettin in there. His tonsils are so swollen most of the time, he just can't breathe. He can''t sleep on his back because they block the back of his throat, so he sleeps slightly sitting up. So, he has an appt with a different ENT next week and we will see about getting his tonsils out.

29th: Nile released from Hospital

May -


2nd: PT/OT

5th: PT/no OT

6th: School

8th: School Field Trip to the Fire Department. It was so fun! The boys loved it!/Followup appt. with Orthopedic Surgeon to check on Niles feet and be recasted. He wanted Red but they were out. Then he picked blue...out. So we went with green. The Techs were calling him the Green Machine. LOL

12th: PT/OT

13th: School

14th: Radiology Appt for Nile's Ultrasound

15th: School

17th: Beach to Bay run for Ken in Corpus... The boys and I stayed home cause they were sick.

19th: PT/OT for Nile and Dental appt. for Noah

20th: School

21st: Followup with Urology for Nile

22nd: School

23rd: PT/OT

27th: Last day of School for the boys. The 29th was actually the last day, but they were having water games and a jumpy thing and Nile still had his casts on so we went to the Whitte Museum instead. We had such a good time.

30th: PT/OT


2nd: PT/OT every Monday and Friday

3rd: Dental appt for Noah

5th: Nile's cast removed. There were several pressure sores on his feet that needed to heal. He still has one on his heel that has not healed.

6th: PT/OT Mom is admitted into the hospital. They advise her that she has Legionaires disease and possibly a mass on her heart. After several days, and several tests later, they advise her that she does not have Legionaires disease nor a mass on her heart. She will get a second opinion from a specialist in Houston later.

13th: PT/OT then head to Lela's house in Houston. Mom has a dr's appt with a heart specialist on Monday.

16th: Still in Houston. Mom has appt and dr. advises that her heart is fine. Whoo-hoo!

25: Dr. appt. with the pediatrician to check on the pressure sore on Nile's heal. Dr. advised that it is fine and should heal soon. One of the problems that we face with his feet is that he doesn't have "normal" circulation down there, so sores/cuts take longer to heal. Much like a diabetics feet/legs.

27th: Appt with the new Orthotist to be fitted for RGO's

30th: Court date over Dusty (my mom's dog) A neighbor has complained that he is barking all day...which is a crock.


No PT/OT till second week of the month due to the 4th of July holiday. Whoo-hoo!

10th: Apptment for me in the A.M. then Dr. appt with a new Orthopedic surgeon to get second opinion on Nile's feet.

23rd: Dr appt for Nile with a new ENT

24th:Lola goes to the Vet and James & Jonah have their 9mo checkup

So that is what's been going on. In between those busy days above, we have managed to make a few trips to Sea World, extend the back deck and Ken has done alot of work on the Duplex for our new renters. So...that's it for now. I'll try to post some new pics and do another real update later. Right now I have to wash some grape tomatoes for Noah to munch on.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Hello, my name is Sheila and it has been 18 days since my last post...

Is there an anonomous group for chronically bad bloggers?

The last few weeks have been extremely busy. Since my last post, our daily schedule has been in a total uproar. Ken's work shedule has changed on a day to day basis. So I never know when he will be home or for how long. Which, as far as therapy appointments, dr's appointments, dental appointments and the everyday stuff that seems to come up, it's really a pain. Cause when it comes to making appointments with the military system, it's not like calling a regular "free world" doctor. You can't just call an leave a message and expect to get a call back the same day by someone. You're lucky if they call you back in three days. And as far as making an apptment, they call you, not you call them. And if they pick a day, you better hope your schedule is free cause it may be another month before another appointment becomes available. But I digress. Anyway, we went to the Valley this weekend to visit my family. For those of you who don't know where the Valley is, it's way down there at the tip of Texas by Mexico. Anyway, our dad lives down there as well as some cousins and some siblings. I hadn't been to the Valley since the oldest boys were 6 months old. So almost exactly four years. When I started figuring it in my head that way, I couldn't believe how long it had been. So, me, my mom and the four kiddos piled into HOWhee, the van, and took a little trip. And I have to say, it was so nice having an "RV" to travel in. While the babies slept most of the way, the boys watched videos. When the kids got hungry, we just stopped along the way and had sandwiches and snacks from the fridge and warmed up bottles for the babies in the microwave. And I don't have to tell you how nice the potty breaks were. No public restrooms. So nice.
We left Friday morning and got there that afternoon. We stopped in at the airport to pick up a rental car for my mom. It was her birthday (on Sunday) and she really wanted to toodle around and visit some old friends. So that evening we just kinda hung out at dads house. My sister daisy and her family came over and my Cousin Claudia and her family came over. They each have three boys. The oldest boys will be six next month and the youngest are 9 months and 11 months old. So our boys had a blast with all the kiddos around. My dad had an in-ground trampoline and they had so much fun jumping on that thing. Ken and I want to install one in our back yard. Saturday was cousin Sammy's birthday party. All of the cousins, friends and neighbors were there. My brother and his kids even came over that afternoon. The boys had a blast! We got home waaaayyyyy past bedtime and the boys were exhausted. Sunday everyone came over again and we BBQed and the kids played and played. By the time Monday rolled around and it was time to go, the boys didn't want to leave. And I don't blame them. We were suppose to leave on Sunday, but my mom called in sick and I canceled Niles therapy and we stayed till Monday. We had so much fun! We plan to go back soon but Nile has surgury coming up on the 28th, so it will have to wait till at least his recovery is over with.
Which leads me to our next subject: Nile's surgery on his feet is schedule on the 28th and this week has been jam packed with dr apptments and MRI's and preop apptments. Sigh. It's been hectic. And next week will only be worse. So I'm getting really anxious and nervous about that coming up.
But I gotta go now. A messy playroom has been staring at me and haunting me all morning and I can't take it anymore. I hope to have more pics soon so check in later. PEACE

Monday, March 31, 2008

Today is my birthday... least for the next 2 hours and 55 minutes anyway. And I have to say that this was one of those days where you wish you could just crawl back in bed and hide under the covers. It started out really bad. Really bad. I've had minimal sleep for the past two weeks and last night was no different. My attitude was just...horrible this morning and I think the kiddos picked up on it cause their attitude was horrible as well. I could not get a thing done and James and Jonah were on opposite nap schedules. One was sleeping while the other was up and vice-versa. Early in the afternoon after looking around and seeing ... a pile of dishes still in the sink, a dishwasher that needed to be unloaded, a load of dirty diapers that needed to be washed, a playroom that was a disaster and believe it or not...and I hate to say this... but I was still in my pajamas and hadn't even brushed my teeth yet... I decided I was letting all of that stuff stress me out. I was getting aggravated because I wasn't getting anything done. And I wasn't getting anything done because I was getting aggravated and that was being reflected back in my children. They were getting aggravated and whiney and acting up. So I just said...forget it. I'll do it later when the kids are asleep and right now I'll just relax and play and enjoy the day. And you know what? My day got better. It actually wasn't to bad after that. My mom even stopped by after work to help with bath time and bed time. Which was a blessing. Everyone got bathed and there was no acting up or whining or crying about going to bed. It was pretty stress free. Aaaahhhhh.
And so... gleen what you will from that run-on paragraph. I'm going to have some sunflower seeds, watch Law & Order and chill out cause the diapers are done washing and ready for the dryer, the dishwasher is cleaning my filthy dishes that sat all afternoon, LOL I've had my shower, have clean pj's on and it's not quite time to brush my teeth yet. Oh, the playroom is still a mess, but if I cleaned it up tonight, it would just be a mess by midmorning tomorrow anyway. So I'll shut the door and not worry about it.
Sleep tight.

ps...I finally made those brownies I mentioned in a previous post titled " A really lame post", they were sooooooo good and easy to make. There's not much left. Just thought I'd let you know.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break is over and it's back to school...

...for Nile and Noah. They were really excited about seeing their friends again. And we were excited about getting a little having two kids instead of four for the next few hours. It gives us a little break to do some of the chores that get put off. Like changing the sheets on all of the beds, washing the comforters, hanging out the laundry....stuff like that. Although, I still haven't got the latest load of laundry out on the line yet. But that's because Jonah didn't take as long of a nap as he should have and he's in his excersauser right next to me. Happy...happy...happy. Actually, he has that look on his face. You know the one that says...I know you just changed my diaper but...
I hear James stirring...BRB.

It is now three days later. I didn't get a chance to "BRB". Sometimes that happens. You wouldn't believe how many Blog drafts I have saved on here. I started one the other day about something that happened during nap time. Here it is:
March 18, 2008
Baby blankets...we had a bit of a scare with a baby blanket. You know the kind that you usually get as baby gifts. They have ducks on them or balls or stripes or whatever. Anyway, we had put James and Jonah down for a nap the other day. They were in a little onsie so we put a little baby blanket on to cover their legs. They were taking a good nap. It was one of those wonderful days when they actually sleep for about two to three hours. So I went in to check on them and James had the blanket wrapped around his head and neck. It was wrapped around about two times! I had to literally unwrap it from his neck and face. Scared the ... poopie outta me. He was still asleep even after I got the blanket off, but I woke him up just to make sure he was OK.

My (phone) alarm is going off. Gotta pick up the boys in about a half hour. So gotta make this quick or it will go back into the draft file. LOL
Anyway, things are chugging along here. The boys are back in school and Tuesday and Thursday mornings are a race to get them out the door. For some reason, no matter how early I start out, the time just flies by and I'm racing to get everyone loaded into the car to get them to school on time. Not much has been going on around here. We didn't do much for Spring Break. Ken and the boys planted a small vegetable and flower garden. We can't wait for some tomatoes. One day we all went down to Landa Park. It was so nice. There were alot more people than we thought there would be, but we found a nice spot under a tree and had a picnic. Or tried to. For some reason, every bee in the county decided they liked our little spot. So we ended up packing up everything in the van and Nile and Noah and Ken went to play while I sat relaxed with the little ones. We stayed for about three hours. It was a nice day out. Can't wait to do it again. This time, when there's less people there.

All the boys are growing fast. Nile and Noah are growing so fast. They spend most of their days either outside, if it's not too hot. Or in their playroom doing arts and craft stuff. Noah is quite the little artist. He loves anything that has to do with colors, markers or paints. Right now he's into glue sticks and making different pictures with colored paper and other ...stuff. Nile is still into his cars, action figures and any kind of bug he can find to put into his little bug habitat. Unfortunately it's up to me to remember to let the poor little bugs go. Sometimes...I don't remember. Poor things.
James and Jonah are six months old now. James has mastered the art of rolling back and forth. Jonah is just now getting it but doing just fine. They had been sleeping through the night, but for some reason last week, Jonah would wake up about every two hours. Drove me nuts! I was so sleep deprived, it was like having a newborn again. Man I was draggin'. But, they both slept through the night last night. Jonah didn't wake up till 4am and James woke up at 6am. So I got about six hours of sleep last night. Not bad.
Well, I gotta go get the kiddos. James and Johah are napping...sigh...I gotta go get them and load them into their car seats. I hate having to haul them out when they finally settle down for a good nap. Sigh.
Gotta go!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A really lame post...

Well, Nile and Noah are at school...James and Jonah are napping...and Ken has gone to Home Depot....again. It's a good thing we own stock in the company. LOL
Anyway, what better time to write. Right?
So...things are pretty much on track here. Knock on wood. All the boys are healthy and we're just chugging along.
I don't have much of anything exciting to write about. Which for exciting...cause that means there's no crisis. Whoo hoo!
I love my new kitchen. I was going to try a new recipe today...Cream Cheese Brownies. Yum! I'll let you know how they turn out. By the way, this is one of my favorite websites... It has some really good, quick and simple recipes on it. I check it every time I get on the computer.
Here's another recipe I absolutely love...and so...I must pass it on:
Chewy Granola Bars
1 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup honey or maple syrup
1/2 cup (1 stick ) melted butter
2 Tbsp vanilla
3 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup wheat germ
1 1/2 cup fixin's...
such as trail mix, raisens, coconut, peanuts, chocolate chips, dried cranberries or other dried fruit. Mix first five ingredients-blend well-stir in dry ingredients-blend well. Press into a greased 9x13 inch pan and bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Cool and cut. Yum! just started raining again. This weather sucks. But it's good baking weather. Perfect for making Brownies...LOL
We're in the process of trying to get a wheelchair lift for our new van - HOWhee. I'm very appreciative of all of the medical benefits and equipment that we get through the is a pain in the hiney to get anything done on a timely manner. It takes an act of Congress. Oh yeah! Speaking of Congress...Former President Bill Clinton was in Corpus last week and Ken met him and shook his hand. He was kinda excited...even though he's Republican. He said he'll probably never get to meet another president...former or not. So...there's some excitement for ya!
Just some of my favorite things:
Cloth diapers...we've started using them again. Whoo-hoo! I love it. Ken hasn't quite got the hang of it yet really saves on diapers.
My Mai Tei Carrier...It's actually more like the "Frankenkozy"...I made my own... here's the pattern... I love it! I put the babies in it and within 5 minutes...they're asleep. Literally...5 minutes. It's so easy. I have a pic of James in it, but it's on the other computer so I'll post it later. I highly recommend them. Mine goes with me wherever I go. See pic to the right -->
My new van - HOWhee.
My old suburban...I miss it
My new's speeeeeeeddddyyy!
My new kitchen...let's get bakin'!
My new/old's roomy.
My new/used computer.
Nile and Noah's playroom.
Exersaucers... my sanity savers.
Our new computer screen/ can be used as either. Love it!
My new washer and dryer...and my new clothes line that Ken put up for me.
Homemade Pizza...check tammy's recipes website for dough recipe. Love it!
Mother's Day Out for Nile and Noah...and the fact that we've
registered them for next years K=4 program.
Gosh...I'd better stop here...the list could go on...and on...and on.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The good news...and the bad news...

The good news is...our kitchen is finally done. Whoo-hoo! I love it! There was a bit of a problem with the stove though. We used to have an original 's Chambers stove. It was great and it was cool looking. If you've ever watched Rachel Ray on the Food Network, you've probably noticed her stove. Ours was just like that except ours was white and it had a shelf and timer on the back. I have a picture of ours that I haven't downloaded yet, I'll try to post it later. Anyway, like I said, we used to have a Chambers, but when it came time to move it, it didn't fit into the new space between the cabinets. Which is weird, because I think about four or five different people measure it before hand and we all got 36in. So I don't know what went wrong. So moving day came and we were SOL as far as a stove goes. Well we decided instead of trying to make the space fit the stove, we were just gonna say goodbye to our beloved Chambers and get a new stove. {Sigh} So the next morning, Ken headed to the only store that actually had a 36in gas range in stock. About an hour later, we were cookin' ... literally...on our new, modern, gas stove. And I love it! It is so wonderful to finally get settled in and get back into a routine.
We also aquired a new vehicle. Another one. Last week I told you about our new Motor Coach we bought... "HOWhee". It's still rollin' strong and we're trying to get familiar with it. Anyway, we bought another vehicle. A Honda Accord. It's a 2000, but it's in really good shape. And the price couldn't be better. So, this will be my running around vehicle when I only have two of the kiddos or I'm by myself. Now we just have to get rid of the suburban cause our yard looks like a parking lot.
Other than that, things are going well. All of the kiddos are doing well and growing fast. Our house and lives are finally getting back in order after two years of construction. We still have some rearranging to the bedroom for a playroom and vice-versa. That's a biggy with me cause I want the playroom on this side of the house away from the babies' room.
We have planned a trip to the Valley next month. And barring any unforscene incidents...knock on wood...we hope to get down there.
That's about all I have time for now. I'll try to get some new pics uploaded in the next few days.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I've been trying to keep up...

...with this blog every week. Unfortunately, about two weeks ago, I got pretty sick. Ended up in the E.R. with a sinus infection, inner ear infection and strep. So, I hadn't much felt like blogging. But, I've started feeling a little better and thought it was time to get online and catch up.
Well, Ken bought this new laptop...which I'm using right. Only cause I wanted to get this done and watch Law & Order at the same time. Yes, I'm addicted to L&O. Anyway, he got this thing...and...I don't know...I think I like the desktops better. But it will be fun when traveling.
So things here have been nonstop as usual. The boys are over whatever little bug they caught. Thank goodness. And our busy schedule is pretty much back on track. Nile & Noah have their four year checkup coming up and James and Jonah have their four month checkup coming up.
We bought a new vehicle...a motor coach. It's very nice. It has a stove, sink, bathroom, microwave, tv/dvd...etc. I've driven it once to therapy and it was pretty easy to drive. It's slightly larger than the suburban, taller really, but it drives like a car. This will be my "appointment" vehicle when I have to take all four kiddos with me. When It's just me or just a couple of the kiddos, Ken has planned on buying a used Honda. Suppose to be in pretty good condition. The motorcoach, or "HOWhee" as we have nicknamed it, (Short for "House On Wheels" LOL That's what mom calls it. LOL ) will be wonderful to have on trips to Houston and the Valley. Or anywhere for that matter.
Let's see...our countertops are suppose to be installed tomorrow. I hope it gets done and done right. I'm tired of having a half done kitchen. We are so ready.
My brain is so tired right now I can't think. I'll have to write more later.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

We're all getting better...

For the past two weeks, the kids and I have had some kind of "gunk" that's going around. Blech! But, we are finally getting better. Unfortunately, the congestion has caused me to have a severe earache. It is horrible. I finally got some sleep last night after taking a combination of Motrin and Tylenol. But the pain and the pressure make you want to bang your head against the wall. Jeez! Thank goodness James and Jonah only woke up twice last night.
Question: When kiddos get an earache, is the pain kiddo sized or is it just as painful as when an adult has it? Hhhhhmmmmm.
Anyway, it is so nice to have my four kiddos back. It is amazing how an illness can just zap all the energy and, well, happiness out of a kid. After being sick, the first time they smile and laugh at you is such a blessing. Then, ten minutes later, they're on your nerves again cause they're picking on each other. LOL Aaaaahhhhh Children. You gotta love 'em.
So not much has happened in the last week. The weather the past few days has been wonderful and Nile and Noah have been taking full advantage of it.
I have some birthday pics I need to download. But that will be another day...soon...I promise.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nile & Noah are four yrs. old!

Happy Birthday!

Well, yesterday was Nile and Noah's birthday. It was relatively uneventful, but a pretty busy day. Aunt Lela, Uncle Lee and Gramms were here. We had pizza for lunch (a treat) and chocolate birthday cake decorated with SpongeBob characters for desert. Then Ken took the boys to the Children's Museum for an hour so we could decorate. When they got home, the house was full of balloons and their presents were waiting for them on the living room floor. They were so excited! We had a wonderful simple birthday "party" and believe it or not, James and Jonah slept through the whole thing. So it was really nice that Nile and Noah had the time and attention just for themselves.
Other than that...the weather is Sunny but very cold. Nile is getting over some "bug" he caught and now Jonah has it. So I'm sure it will work it's way through the whole family then move on it's way. So today we are just takin' it easy. Hangin' out inside and relaxing while the boys play.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, It's January 2008...and the question in the world are we gonna top the year 2007?

We welcomed two new baby boys, James & Jonah, into the family...

We attended my sister's absolutely beautiful fairy tail wedding gaining a wonderful family of "in-laws" in the process...

We were blessed with two new baby cousins...Joshua and Benjamin...and we should be expecting another little cousin pretty Madelyn<-I love that name!

We are in the final phase of construction on our house...and

Nile & Noah are growing fast and have been happy and healthy.

Last year was a really big year for us. We have been blessed in so many ways. The biggest blessings for the year, of course, was finding out we were pregnant. The biggest surprise for the year, of course, was finding out we were having twins…again. We couldn’t believe it! But, the pregnancy was relatively uneventful and on September 27th 2007 we welcomed James William Copeland and Jonah Patrick Copeland into the world weighing 7lbs12oz. and 6lbs14oz. respectively. They were big healthy babies and we couldn’t have been happier.
Nile and Noah took the new additions in stride. They pretty much ignored them for the first couple of months, but now that the babies are starting to interact with others, Nile and Noah just love talking to them and making them laugh. They love to “baby-sit” them while Ken and I try to get chores done around the house. They are really big helpers.

We’ve also enrolled Noah and Nile in a Mother’s Day Out program which they absolutely love. It’s two days a week at the local Baptist Academy. They’ve made friends with several of the little kids in the class and next week we will be taking cupcakes and party treat bags for Nile and Noah’s birthday. As a family, we plan on taking them to the Zoo on their birthday. (weather permitting) And of course, we’ll have to ride the little train that goes around the park. It’s hard to believe they will be four years old in about a week. Where does the time go?
One of our new experiences we’re looking forward to this year is teaching Nile and Noah how to ride their bikes. We were fortunate that a family in San Antonio donated a “special needs” bike to our family, and Santa delivered both bikes for Christmas. So both of the boys now have their very own bike. They’ve ridden them a few times and are doing quite well, but still need a lot of practice.
As for our house…which many of you know has been under construction for the last two years…yes…two years. Well, it’s finally coming together. It’s almost done…believe it or not. Ken has been working non-stop, when he's home, to get it done. He has put alot of sweat equity into it and it has turned out beautifully. The kitchen is the last thing on the list. We are waiting for a cabinet and when it comes in, they can measure and install our new countertop. Add our appliances and wha-la…a new kitchen. We can’t wait!

We have been so blessed with our wonderful family and friends who have helped and supported us during this hectic time. Several of them came to stay with us, taking turns so we would have a much help as possible for as long as possible. There aren't enough words to say how much we appreciate their help. And we got to see alot of family that we hadn't seen in a long time. That was truly wonderful...and fun. We love you all.

So I don't know how we're going to top 2007. But actually, a nice quiet, uneventful year would be a welcomed change. (wink)

The Copeland Family~