Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break is over and it's back to school...

...for Nile and Noah. They were really excited about seeing their friends again. And we were excited about getting a little breather...ie...only having two kids instead of four for the next few hours. It gives us a little break to do some of the chores that get put off. Like changing the sheets on all of the beds, washing the comforters, hanging out the laundry....stuff like that. Although, I still haven't got the latest load of laundry out on the line yet. But that's because Jonah didn't take as long of a nap as he should have and he's in his excersauser right next to me. Happy...happy...happy. Actually, he has that look on his face. You know the one that says...I know you just changed my diaper but...
I hear James stirring...BRB.

It is now three days later. I didn't get a chance to "BRB". Sometimes that happens. You wouldn't believe how many Blog drafts I have saved on here. I started one the other day about something that happened during nap time. Here it is:
March 18, 2008
Baby blankets...we had a bit of a scare with a baby blanket. You know the kind that you usually get as baby gifts. They have ducks on them or balls or stripes or whatever. Anyway, we had put James and Jonah down for a nap the other day. They were in a little onsie so we put a little baby blanket on to cover their legs. They were taking a good nap. It was one of those wonderful days when they actually sleep for about two to three hours. So I went in to check on them and James had the blanket wrapped around his head and neck. It was wrapped around about two times! I had to literally unwrap it from his neck and face. Scared the ... poopie outta me. He was still asleep even after I got the blanket off, but I woke him up just to make sure he was OK.

My (phone) alarm is going off. Gotta pick up the boys in about a half hour. So gotta make this quick or it will go back into the draft file. LOL
Anyway, things are chugging along here. The boys are back in school and Tuesday and Thursday mornings are a race to get them out the door. For some reason, no matter how early I start out, the time just flies by and I'm racing to get everyone loaded into the car to get them to school on time. Not much has been going on around here. We didn't do much for Spring Break. Ken and the boys planted a small vegetable and flower garden. We can't wait for some tomatoes. One day we all went down to Landa Park. It was so nice. There were alot more people than we thought there would be, but we found a nice spot under a tree and had a picnic. Or tried to. For some reason, every bee in the county decided they liked our little spot. So we ended up packing up everything in the van and Nile and Noah and Ken went to play while I sat relaxed with the little ones. We stayed for about three hours. It was a nice day out. Can't wait to do it again. This time, when there's less people there.

All the boys are growing fast. Nile and Noah are growing so fast. They spend most of their days either outside, if it's not too hot. Or in their playroom doing arts and craft stuff. Noah is quite the little artist. He loves anything that has to do with colors, markers or paints. Right now he's into glue sticks and making different pictures with colored paper and other ...stuff. Nile is still into his cars, action figures and any kind of bug he can find to put into his little bug habitat. Unfortunately it's up to me to remember to let the poor little bugs go. Sometimes...I don't remember. Poor things.
James and Jonah are six months old now. James has mastered the art of rolling back and forth. Jonah is just now getting it but doing just fine. They had been sleeping through the night, but for some reason last week, Jonah would wake up about every two hours. Drove me nuts! I was so sleep deprived, it was like having a newborn again. Man I was draggin'. But, they both slept through the night last night. Jonah didn't wake up till 4am and James woke up at 6am. So I got about six hours of sleep last night. Not bad.
Well, I gotta go get the kiddos. James and Johah are napping...sigh...I gotta go get them and load them into their car seats. I hate having to haul them out when they finally settle down for a good nap. Sigh.
Gotta go!

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