Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well, it's 0526 hrs...

...and the little one's and the big one's are still A-S-L-E-E-P. Well, the little one's had a bottle at 0500 and then went back to sleep. Yes, sadly, we refer to our children as the "little one's" and the "big one's". But, whatdayado?
So I thought since I was up, I'd try to blog a little.
Things here on the homefront have been realatively...the norm. Well...the norm for us. A couple of weeks ago, when Dolly hit, we had some family come and stay with us. My sister Daisy and her family were without power and water and running out of food with no fridge. So they headed up this way. My dad and stepmom decided to stick it out, but did send my little sister Lilly with my sister there a flower theme going here. Lilly...Daisy... Anyway, my little sister Karen is in Spain for the summer, so she wasn't home. But Daisy, Lilly and the crew came to stay a while. It was actually pretty fun. Daisy has three boys that are about the same age as ours. Her youngest just turned a year old. So all of our boys had such a blast playing together. I'll have to post some of the pics she took while here. And I have to admit, it was nice to have some extra hands around. Just to be able to run to the store for a little something, and not have to haul all of the kids, was nice. Although, one day we decided to take all seven kids to Walmart. That was an experience. Whew! Then on a couple of days, my cousin Claudia and her family showed up to visit. They are from the Valley also and were staying with their Aunt in Austin. They have three boys also and she is pregnant with their fourth....a GIRL! They were without water or power also and stuck it out for a few days. But with being pregnant and with three just can't do that for very long. So on a couple of days, we had TEN boys, all under the age of eight, running around the house. It was ... loud! And fun! The kids had a blast and we got to talk for a while. So it was a busy week at the Copeland Compound.
What else...
Noah and Nile will be starting school (K4) in a few weeks. They have to wear uniforms this year and I haven't been able to find anything I need for them. Sigh. I'm kinda excited about them going again this year. They really seemed to enjoy it last year. Plus, it gives me a little break during the day to try to get things done without two extra little one's around.
Ken was notified a few weeks ago that all of the CG Reserves in Corpus Christi are going to be Demobilized. Which means...he's coming home! And going back to his "free-world" job at the PD. It's going to be weird. He's been activated for seven years now. We won't know what to do with him home full time. Gonna take some getting used to again. You know, you kinda get into a "routine" and get used to things being a certain way. But, we adjusted with kids/two sets of twins. Now that was an adjustment! So, October 1st will be his last day on active duty.
I'm getting hungry. This morning will be Banana chocolate chip pancakes. It's pretty much become my Saturday morning routine. Most other days we're running here or there. But Saturday is the Sabbath, Shabbat Shalom, and no where to go so it's pancakes for breakfast. Whoo-hoo!
I can't think of anything else to update on. Family is all doing well and we're just chugging along.


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